Counseling Services - Apple Valley, MN
A Personal Touch
New Path Counseling serves people of all ages and backgrounds. We offer services to couples, families and individuals. We do offer child care during the counseling session and this would be determined ahead of time before the scheduled appointment.
New Path counseling is located in Apple Valley, MN and seeks to serve the Apple Valley community. However, we will work with people from outside of Apple Valley. We offer counseling services to all people and we also offer educational tutoring services as well. You may contact New Path to find out more about our counseling and tutoring services.
Counseling services for Adoptive families, Adoptees and Foster Care:
New Path Counseling offers services to help those struggling with issues related to being an adoptive parent, family or adoptee and those currently or formally in the foster care system. Services are focused on exploring issues that impact behavior, relationships and other life transitions. New Path Counseling is listed with the MN ADOPT HELP program as an adoption competent provider. MN ADOPT can be found at:
Mike is also a member of the ATTACh organization and has received training on attachment issues related to adoption and foster care. Mike has also completed the Permanency And Adoption Competency Certificate from the University of Minnesota and is listed as an adoption competent therapist via The Center for Adoption Support and Education.
Information on ATTACh can be found at Information on the Center for Adoption Support and Education (C.A.S.E.) can be found at
Brain Spotting
Brain Spotting is a mind/body therapy approach to treat trauma along with intense emotions,pain and blocks to wellness. It accesses resources to better deal with unresolved issues that are not available at the conscious level. Brain Spotting works on maintaining an eye position while focusing on the body's "felt sense" of an issue, This technique stimulates and integrates the healing process available within the deep brain. This technique also works within the nervous system by helping to reset previously conditioned, survival-mode, emotional and physiological responses. Mike is trained in Phase I of Brain Spotting and is continuing his training as it is an ongoing process.
Brain Spotting assists in the healing of effects from traumatic events such as:
- Physical or emotional abuse
- Problems in early childhood attachment
- Loss of a loved one
- Acute or chronic pain
- Difficult medical interventions (such as surgeries,or other invasive medical procedures)
- War and political turmoil
- Natural disasters or unexpected loss
- Bullying
Brain Spotting can also promote the resolution of the source of many symptoms such as:
- Panic Attacks
- Flashbacks
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Sleep problems
- feeling stuck or blocked
- Intense anger or despair
- Emotional detachment
- Hyper-arousal to Stimuli
- Relational Issues
- Addiction and Pain